Classification Systems

Old Classification System New LC Classification

CA1 - Arithmetic
CA2 - Art

CBB1 - Bulletin Board

CBE - Business Education

CB2 - Biography

CD1 - Dictionaries

CE - Curriculum Easy
CE1 - English  (7-12)
CE2 - Education

CF - Fiction
CF1 - Fairy Tales
CF2 - Foreign language

CH1 - Health
CH2 - History

CL1 - Language
CL2 - Library Education
CL3 - Language Arts

CM1 - Music
CM2 - Mathematics
CM3 - Mythology

CP1 - Puppets
CP2 - Drama, Plays

CR1 - Reading

CS1 - Science

CSS1 - Social Studies

CS2 - Spelling
CS3 - Sports

CVE - Vocational Education

CW1 - Handwriting

A- General Works, Polygraphy

BF- Connecting with others

BJ- Self-Esteem, Philosophy

BP- Humanistic Disciplines and the Social Sciences

BL-BX - Religion

C-F - History

D - Universal and Old World

E-F - America

G - Geography, Anthropology, Folklore, etc.

GV - Crossword Puzzles, Confidence

GE - Environmental Science

H - Home, General

HA- Statistics

HB-HJ - Economics

HE- Transportation

HF - Careers

H-L- Social Sciences

HM-X - Sociology

HN - Neighborhoods

HQ- Family

J - Political Science

K - Law

L - Education

LB - Science , Phonics Handwriting -

LT - Math

M - Music

N- Fine Arts

P - Language and Literature

PE - Language-Spelling-English

PN - Literature

Q - V - Natural Sciences and Technology

Q - General Science

QA - Mathematics

QB - Astronomy

QB-QE - Physical Sciences

QC - Physics

QD - Chemistry

QE - Geology

QH-QR - Biological Science

QL - Zoology

QM - Human Anatomy

QP - Physiology

QR - Bacteriology, Microbiology

R - Medicine

RA - Health

S - Agriculture

SF - Science

T - Technology

TA - Transportation

TH - Masonry Skills

TK - Electronics

TL - Automotive

TS - Metal Work

TX - Teens

U - Military

V - Naval Science

Z - Handwriting