Alabama State University
Media Center
Video Production Request Form
Phone: (334) 229-6848/4729

You may use this page to request that the University Library's Media Department film an event and if desired, create a production video from the filmed event.

Date of Request:

Name:                         Department:

Phone Extension: 

Email Address:

Date of Event:

Time of Event:

Location of Event:

Project Description: (Attach scripts, outlines, and location)


Project Purpose: (Include desired title and lengths)


Desired Date of Completion:

The Media Center webcasts selected productions over the internet via the ASU/University Library's website. By signing below you grant us the right to webcast this production.

Requestor Webcast Authorization:                                             


Speaker/Group Representative:

Please Note:  If you do not receive a confirmation or follow-up call within 24 hours of request submission, please contact: Library Media Services at 229-5605.